Thursday, March 3, 2011

Forgot to Weigh In....

Last night I went and saw a Naturopath.  I haven't been "right" for a long time. I have bad sleep, I am tired all the time, my food cravings are out of control.

I went to a doctor last year who did bloods and they were all fine. So away I went.

The Naturopath was awesome. I won't bore you with the details but we are working on getting me "right" again. As part of that I have to take a range of herbs and supplements for a couple of weeks. 

This morning I was so concerned about what I had to take, I forgot to jump on the scales. I will do it tomorrow.

The first thing we are working on is the digestive issues and the fatigue. She gave me a herbal sleep tonic and I have to say, I slept a lot deeper last night than normal. I actually felt fairly well refreshed when I woke up. I am also taking some things for energy and to calm down the gut. 

I see her again in 2 weeks when we will start a detox. I am looking forward to that as I have wanted to do one for quite a while.

Hopefully as I get less tired and my tummy issues settle down (and hopefully the cravings stop) then I will be able to manage the food situation better than I have been.

I will keep you updated.

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